Previously known as Green Pass PDF Wallet. An Android app that stores and displays your most important PDF documents like e.g. a public transport ticket, a theater ticket or any other PDF certificate. Any included barcode is shown enlarged automatically, if e.g. a QR code is detected within the document. An app that is fully open source.
The main idea behind this app was to not need to search for PDFs spread over different folders on your phone. With the PDF Wallet app, PDFs are saved inside the app itself, like in a “wallet” and therefore easy to find. Another idea was to avoid the manual step of zooming in on the PDF page for enlargening barcodes. The app therefore extracts and enlarges barcodes automatically.
Privacy Policy English
Privacy Policy German (Datenschutzerklärung)
With ~150,000 downloads and shortly being one of the top 3 apps of Austria, this is my most succesful privately developed app so far.
#3 of all apps in Austria on 2021-07-04:
#1 of new apps in Austria on 2021-07-04: